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Already an established provider of energy efficient heating and ventilation solutions, SAV Systems has in the past four years grown from £7m to £25m turnover. It has relied on its CRM system from Workbooks to help it manage that rapid growth. CRM is now an integral part of the day-to-day work of SAV Systems.
SAV Systems has 75 staff, mostly based in its Woking head office and operational centre, but also in Edinburgh, Manchester and Bath. Whether it is offices, homes, prisons, leisure centres, hotels, hospitals, student accommodation, or anywhere else with a need for heating, SAV Systems helps organisations reduce the CO2 impact of their heating.
One of its leading products is the range of Danfoss Flatstation solutions. These had been established in Scandinavia for more than 20 years, but SAV Systems was the first company to bring them to the UK. Whilst it operates in a competitive space it now has around a 25% share of the market and is in a strong position for continued growth.
The team at SAV Systems took the decision to invest in CRM in 2013. The team reviewed a wide range of CRM solutions, looking for one that would give the company the functionality it needed, would be easy to operate, and would require little administrative support. Eventually they chose Workbooks.
“Our implementation went live on budget and on time. In fact we had a target go-live date of 4th July and a back-up date of 1st August, so when we went live on 1st July we were actually ahead of schedule, which is rare for an IT project.” Says Jose de Almeida, General Manager.
Strategic intelligence
SAV Systems now has 60 licenses split across almost every part of the business. The company’s salespeople use it to track leads, and business intelligence uses it to gather insight into sector or geographic trends, but it is the technical support team that is the most active group.
“Our technical support team has grown from three engineers five years ago to 13 today,” explains de Almeida. “Workbooks helps us manage this increased technical competency, allocating engineers to jobs, so that the right skills are applied to the issue and we produce better and faster results for our customers. Offering superior services and the best customer experience possible is key to our ongoing success”
He adds: “More than this, with Workbooks we can record what happened so we can look back at what we did, see how well it worked and learn from the experience. This strategic intelligence has not only significantly enhanced our professionalism, it has also helped us to target the right products at the right market segments. Workbooks CRM truly underpins our growth.”