‘Will you get the outcome you expect or will you be one of the losers?’
By Ian Moyse – Sales Director, www.workbooks.com
Eurocloud UK Board Member & Cloud Industry Forum Governance Board Member.
Let’s discuss a couple of the heavyweight C words in the IT Sector, Cloud and CRM.
CRM projects do not all go to plan and there are many hidden challenges that can prevent you from having that win. Gartner has reported that as many as 85% of companies that buy CRM software to automate sales efforts, don’t pick the right tools because they fail to define business objectives or develop processes for meeting objectives and that as many as 42% of CRM licenses bought go on to be unused.
If you look at a variety of customer reports across the years reporting on data from customers of failed CRM projects there is an average of 46.3% of failures reported in surveys. The data varies greatly, likely due to different analysis methodologies.
- 2001 Gartner Group: 50%
- 2002 Butler Group: 70%
- 2002 Selling Power, CSO Forum: 69.3%
- 2005 AMR Research: 18%
- 2006 AMR Research: 31%
- 2007 AMR Research: 29%
- 2007 Economist Intelligence Unit: 56%
- 2009 Forrester Research: 47%
- 29% – Organisational Change
- 22% – Company Politics and Inertia
- 20% – Lack of CRM Understanding
- 12% – Poor Planning
- 6% – Lack of CRM Skills
- 4% – Budget Problems
- 2% – Software Problems
- 1% – Bad Advice
- 4% – Other