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Setting up a Web2Case Form

To set up a Web2Case Form you will need to access the Web Key setup form from Start > Configuration > Email & Integration > Web To Case and select New Case Key.

This creates a new dialogue box that allows you to set up who the new Case will be assigned to, as well as who it is Created by.

We would recommend that you set the Created by to be the Automation User as this will always have the relevant access and cannot be disabled.


Once you have configured who the Case will be Created by and Assigned to press Save, this will then generate an API Key and give you access to the Web to Case Form.

It is important that the web key is not removed from your form. This is a unique key that will be used to authenticate into your Workbooks database and create records. When looking at the HTML code, the web key will look something like the below:

<input type =’hidden’ name=’web_key’ value=’75e7c935f5ecdfa62275c8c646c3bc8e8dabc51c’ />


By selecting the Form button you will be able to download the Web2Case html file, opening this provides you with a basic html form with all of the standard Case Fields as well as Custom Fields that you have created.


For information on how to hide or make fields required can be found on our Editing a Web Key page. From this page your Web Developer will also be able to create success or failure pages from the Submission button on the Form.
