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Event Products

Last updated : 30/10/2018

The Products Tab allows you to create new Products within Workbooks that are unique to the Event that they are created from. These Products can be anything from Ticket Bundles, Tables or discounted rates for specific attendees.

Note: Like all Products, Pricing and Supply Schemes can then be applied to them as well as tax codes for international purchase.


Products are created by selecting the Add button on the Products Tab. Once generated, you will notice that they look slightly different from other Products within Workbooks, as a number of new Fields will be available.


By default when creating a new Product from an Event the Event Field will be populated with the name of the event. 

Published: When Checked this Product becomes available to purchase within the Portal.

Publish From & Until: You may want to limit when the Product is available, such as “early bird” Tickets for the event at a reduced rate. 

Create Tickets: Once the Product is purchased and the Order has been Posted i.e. the Attendee has bought the Product, this will automatically create the appropriate Tickets for the Event.

Description: Product Description that Attendees will see in the Event Portal.

Maximum Quantity: You may only have a limited number of Products available so choose to apply to a Maximum Quantity, this information is then pulled into the Portal so Products cannot be oversold. 

Allocated Quantity: How many of the Products have been purchased through the Portal, this number only updates once the Order has been confirmed and Posted 

Available Quantity: The remaining quantity that is still available to be sold.

Token: This is a unique identifier for each product. This is used for setting up special discounts/hidden products, e.g. not a published product that is available to everyone, only those that enter the token onto portal. By default this will be set to the Product Code but can be replaced with any other token code.

Note: Tokens have a 7 character limit, this cannot be exceeded.

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