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Custom Fields

Last updated : 08/06/2020

A list of Custom & Standard Fields used by the Case Portal

The Case Portal Plugin installs a number of Custom Fields, Picklists and Picklist Values automatically. All fields created by the installation are hidden by default, so you will need to configure your Form Layouts on Cases, People and Activities. A list of the fields is provided below.

# Field Name Record Type Data Type Description
1 Exclude from Portal? Cases Checkbox Add this field to the Case Portal reports set in the plugin as a criteria to hide selected Cases from the Case Portal where this field is set to TRUE.
2 Exclude from Portal? Emails Checkbox Emails where this checkbox is set to TRUE, are not visible under the Case History tab of the Case Portal.
3 Authentication Blocked People Checkbox Set this field to TRUE to stop a registered Portal user logging into the Case Portal.
Registered People Checkbox Automatically set to TRUE when a user registers for the Case Portal.
5 First Login Time People Date Time This is the Date & Time that a person first accessed the Case Portal
6 Last Login Time People Date Time This is the Date & Time that a person last accessed the Case Portal
7 Last Login IP Address People Text This is the last IP address that was used to access the Case Portal.
8 First Response At Cases Date Time This field is automatically populated with the Date & Time of a Public Activity if the field is blank and using the functionality here.
9 Activity Sub Type Activities Picklist This is used by the functionality here to automatically create Public/Private Activities. There are only two values created – Public and Private. Other values will be ignored.

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