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Profile Pictures

Last updated : 10/03/2021

To bring your database to life, you can add photos of your users. These are visible on the Summary Timeline View and other List views.

Images can be added in two places:

  • By individuals in user preferences.
  • By administrators on user records.

Setting profile photo in user preferences

Users can amend their own profile pictures in preferences. 

Go to Start > Preferences

Setting profile photo in configuration 

Go to Configuration > Users & Security > Users

Select the user who you would like to set a profile photo for by clicking into the user.  On the main tab, there will be a button to upload an image. For best results, the image should be square, and the resolution will be better if the size is a factor of 90×90 pixels.  A preview of the image will show so you can ensure it is the correct image before saving and applying the change.  


NOTE: A photo can be added to Reports by drilling through the ‘Assigned To’ field and choosing ‘Photo’.

This can be particularly useful when configuring Reports as Card View. More information regarding can be found here.

Sync user photos from Azure 

NOTE: If you already have a profile photo set up in Microsoft then that will override the one that is set up in Workbooks. You can set up profile photos in Google and Okta but those will not override the ones set in Workbooks.


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