Spot the red flags
Learn how to spot the red flags with your current CRM provider or use it to uncover issues if you’re talking to new providers. This guide covers everything you should be getting from a CRM.
Reveal the red flagsHome / We’re Workbooks, the no-bullsh*t CRM provider
Held back by bullsh*t CRM? With Workbooks there’s no hidden costs, no unreliable support and no nonsense. Watch the video and take our quick quiz to uncover your CRM bullsh*t score.
Know what to watch out for when it comes to bullsh*t CRM. Capped features, poor functionality, slow support, hidden fees – don’t miss the red flags. Find out if you have a bullsh*t CRM by taking our quick quiz.
Workbooks is the CRM solution that’s easy to use, affordable and most importantly – supportive at every step. Here’s how we’re different.
Check out the less complicated alternative to Salesforce and HubSpot.
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Learn how to spot the red flags with your current CRM provider or use it to uncover issues if you’re talking to new providers. This guide covers everything you should be getting from a CRM.
Reveal the red flagsNot sure if you need a CRM? Find out everything you need to know about running your sales and marketing without one.
What happens if I don't use CRMIf CRM providers are making pricing so complicated, how do you know if you’re getting ripped off? This guide makes it simple.
The honest guide to pricingWant to get a guided demo from one of our experts? Or do you want to learn more about how Workbooks can help you? Pick a date that works for you: