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Welcome to part 1 of our CRM for Sales Series. For part 2 click here.
Early February, John Cheney – CEO at Workbooks hosted a webinar to discuss and share lessons learnt on growing sales revenues using CRM.
See below a summary of the key takeaways for you or access the webinar download.
‘Selling is a combination of Art & Science’ so it makes sense to define & document the best practices and put them into a framework so the whole sales team can be leveraged.’
Such framework provides multiple benefits including providing a common language to allow team members can rapidly understand where they are in the Sales Cycle allowing the business to measure success at each stage & identify where to drive improvements.
Now you have a detailed Sales Process in place you can effectively dive into each stage to review and analyse performance. We recommend you start with:
Reviewing Pipeline Metrics
Reviewing Sales Reps
Workbooks make this easy using our Reporting engine. On the right-hand side, we have a Conversion Rate by Rep report:
This gives you many interesting stats such as:
As you can see once you’ve got your data into your CRM and assign it within a well thought-out sales process, you can then pull some actionable data.
In combination with Sales Pipeline information, we encourage you to look at what Sales Reps are actually doing.
On the right-hand side you can see the number of activities against each Sales Rep. This is showing that Dylan isn’t making much progress and has a number of outstanding to-dos.
From exploring the above reports you now know:
So for next Quarter
Potential improvements
One of the first common resistance points with a CRM project comes from sales people who do not realise the value of CRM. Since your CRM is worthless without any up-to-date data, how can you ensure your Sales members use it?
The answer is: your CRM tool must help Sales People in their day-to-day. It must guide them on what to do next and what actions they need to complete in order to progress an opportunity to the next stage. It must make their life easier. Savinh them time, removing or reducimg the admin.
If it’s just used for storing data there will be no major benefit and adoption will suffer.
CRM plays a vital role in supporting sales excellence.
CRM can provide a framework to ensure the right processes are being followed. It also acts as a channel to feedback essential insight to the business to support on-going sales activity.
CRM can provide access to information to mobile sales reps anytime, anywhere via mobile apps or tables, CRM can automate repetivie tasks and remove the administrative burden so that reps can focus on building relationships and selling.
CRM can record sales activities to ensure that opportunities are progressed effectively and no calls are overlooked. CRM can help organisations analyse key metrics and evolve its strategy in response.
CRM enables sales teams, from management to individual reps, to work more effectivley. It helps get better insight and make better decisions, it helps to better