Why is my Campaign not synchronised yet?... I can't see it in MailChimp!!
Have you had a lag in a Marketing Campaign being Synchronised? Have you seen a delay in information appearing in MailChimp? Do you want to understand why this has happened and how to reduce the lag for the future? Then read below...
How does the MailChimp Synchonisation Process work?
The Process goes through the Workbooks Campaigns that have been integrated with MailChimp by ascending Campaign ids.
For each Campain, it will check for changes and synchronise these case before moving onto the next Campaign.
It will skip Campaigns that are in a Closed state.
The Process has an allowed running time, if this limit is met the Process stops
The next time the Process runs it starts from step 1 again.
This means all earlier Campaigns are checked again for updates before reaching the latest Campaign.
For newer or larger Campaigns this can mean multiple occurrences of the Process need to take place before the Campaign is fully synchronised.
When a Campaign is fully synced it will become visible within MailChimp.
This is the reason that some Campaigns do not seem to sync with MailChimp and then everything seems to resolve itself.
What can be done to minimise the occurences and affects of this behaviour?
- Ensure when you are finished with a Campaign that you set the Status to Closed within Workbooks.
- Increase the frequency of the MailChimp Synchronisation Processes.*
- Increase the allowed running time of the MailChimp Synchronisation Process.*
- Setup large Campaigns as soon as possible so that your business has the maximum allowed time for the synchronisation to complete, or you may findthat the synchronisation has finished in tims for you to send your Campaign.
*These changes need to be considered fully before implementing as it can affect other processes and actions within the database.