
Customer Forum

Using Criteria in your Report to return Records assigned to the person running the Report

Workbooks Support Posted: 2011-09-03 06:35

If you're reasonably familiar with reporting you'll know that you can apply criteria to limit the rows of data shown in the report.  For example you might build a report that shows all the Opportunities on your database and share it with your salespeople.  If you then want Salesperson A to see only the Opportunities assigned to him/her and Salesperson B to see only the Opportunities assigned to them, etc, it's possible to copy and modify the original report for Salesperson A, then copy and modify it for Salesperson B and so on.

However, you can also build a single report that only returns data for the current user.  For example, when the report is opened by Salesperson A it automatically limits the results to only the Opportunities assigned to him/her, but when opened by Salesperson B only shows the Opportunities assigned to Salesperson B. 

In our latest product release we have introduced two new criteria to make this easily achievable:


The first of which is "Assigned to name" is "current user's name"

With this criterion in place, a User that is running the Report will only see the Records that are assigned to them.




The second Criterion we have introduced is "Assigned to name" is "current user's login name"


This works in the exact same way as the above Criterion, except it will use the Users login email address. This might be useful in the case whereby you have two Users with the same first and last names



These criteria are obviously beneficial as it means you can create a single report that can be used by many people.


N.B. - Remember to share the report with the relevant user or users using the Sharing Permissions.  Whichever user runs the report will only see the records that are owned by (in other words assigned to) them.