Posted: 2016-04-06 19:02 |
Hi, Is the following expected behavior or is it a bug? I have a customer with a credit limit enabled and 30 days payment term set. When I create an invoice manually it sets the due date automatically. If I copy the document from an existing quotation (with the client selected...) to an invoice it will not set the due date automatically/correctly based on the credit limit set. Only when I re-type/select the customer again it will actually set correctly the due date based on the credit limit. (pushing save without selecting without selecting the user won't work either to trigger the update). Anyone an idea? Reg, J.
Posted: Thu, 07.04.2016 - 13:27 |
Hi Jiri, Yes, this is a bug that has been logged with the engineers. It will be fixed in due course. Unfortunately, in the meantime you will have to keep reselecting customer in order for due date to be populated. Workbooks Support