
Customer Forum

How can we identify all unallocated e-mails

External Posted: 2013-09-12 14:28

As far as I understand, e-mails which are forwarded by dropbox but which have no person record to attach to will sit within the senders e-mail list rather than be flagged as unallocated. We are trying to find a way to centrally identify these so that we can create Person records. Is it possible to do this?


Workbooks Support Posted: Thu, 12.09.2013 - 13:19


Sorry but unfortunately there is currently no way of doing this in Workbooks as an email record cannot be customised at present and there is no easy way of identifying whether an email has been attached to a person from the emails landing page.

However, it is possible to export the list of email recipients from the emails landing page and also export a list of emails from a person record and compare the two in a spreadsheet package using the VLOOKUP function. See here on how to do this.