
Customer Forum

Selling Subscription Services

External Posted: 2012-07-11 08:46

I am trying to work out how to set up subscription services in the products section, so that when we create a quote we can add Product  for the next 12 months. I would then also need this to update the Sales forcase and revenue forcasts so that the revenue is spreadover the 12 months.

At the same time it needs to create a 12 month, monthly contract etc.

I can see how to do this for Purchased product, like software, but cant see how to get it to work for subscription services.

Workbooks Support Posted: Thu, 12.07.2012 - 10:16

 Hello Peter


This can all be done; we've discussed this by phone and your trial is now enabled with the full feature set including Contracts.  We would normally recommend the involvement of our professional services team to ensure that your requirements are met.  As discussed, we will at some point write up our own usage of the system so its there for all to see: custom fields and page layouts we've created and the reports we use.



External Posted: Thu, 25.02.2016 - 09:43


Any updates or additional information on this topic?  I would be interested in reading up on this as I have similar requirements. 


