
Customer Forum

Sending Bulk Mailshots

Workbooks Support Posted: 2012-02-16 13:43

Because you cannot send bulk email via the Workbooks server we are sometimes asked what alternatives exist and we hope you find the following useful. 

You can send them yourselves from your server, however this may put you at risk of blacklisting. (This means your mail sending domain address is put on a blacklist and Internet service providers will reject your mail. So, in effect, if this happens you stop receiving and being able to send work email until you get yourselves removed from this blacklist, which can be a painful and time consuming process. Often this happens because enough recipients of emails from a mailer you send are reported as spam and one of the anti-spam houses such as puts you on a blacklist.)

If you are sending smaller batches of emails (which are spread out and not sent as one big blast) on a regular basis and are sending to an approved list of recipients that are unlikely to report you as spamming them then you may be okay. However an increasing number of service provider thresholds have been lowered as to how many complaints and mail volumes they need to see before a blacklist is imposed, so it is wise to be cautious.

To avoid this if you are sending large volumes on a regular basis or are concerned about being blacklisted you can utilise a third party bulk mailer service through which to route outbound emails.

The following are some of the providers who specialise in sending bulk emails. Note, Workbooks is not affiliated with and does not endorse any of these services. This is merely a list of potential providers and others are available.
