
Customer Forum

Removing a field from the “line items” pane in a quotation pdf template

Margaret Posted: 2020-02-21 12:02


I would like to be able to remove the Product code from the quotations pdf and just have the quantity, description and price to appear in the line items pane . I have gone into the default settings and unticked the 'show in document' box, but it still appears when i generate the quote. I have been able to hide the discount boxes in the pane, but the product code does not act in the same way. What am i not doing?


Stephane (Workbooks Online) Posted: Mon, 24.02.2020 - 10:02

Hi Margaret,

It Sounds like you might have a template specific setting which can be removed in order to fix this.
If you go to-

config> pdf templates> (open template in question)> settings.

You will find the setting that needs to be deleted. Once you do this, the product code should no longer appear.


Kind Regards

Workbooks Support

Margaret Posted: Wed, 26.02.2020 - 13:38

Hi Stephane, i have tried as you have suggested and unfortunately that is not one of the settings appearing on the list.