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Configure settings within the Case Portal

These settings are used throughout the portal to personalise on screen help texts and the like with your company name, branding and website links.

NOTE: Initially all settings are blank and must be configured to use the Case Portal. Once the settings have been configured, click Update Settings on each page to save. This page can be revisited at any time to change the settings.

  • Company Name: The name of your company as you want it to appear to Portal users in help texts. A list of Own Organisations configured in this database are available here.
  • Support Website/Knowledge Base URL: Enter the URL for the ‘Help’ or ‘Knowledge Base’ part of your website in this parameter. The URL is displayed at the top of the “Raise New Case” popup to encourage users to check your support area of your website before raising a Case
  • Company Logo URL: Enter the URL of the logo to be displayed in the top left of the Portal, normally your Company logo. To get the URL, first upload the image to your Upload Library in Workbooks (Marketing > Upload Library) if it is not already stored there. When saved, an ‘External URL’ is provided – copy the value into this parameter.
  • Navigation Bar URL: Enter the URL of a website to navigate to when the company logo configured above is clicked. Typically, this might be your business’ homepage.
  • Company Logo – Height in Pixels: The height in pixels of the company logo shown within the Case Portal navigation bar. If not set, the default value is 32px. NOTE: Enter pixel number value only e.g. 32, px is added automatically.
  • Company Logo – Width in Pixels: The width in pixels of the company logo shown within the Case Portal navigation bar. If not set, the default value is 120px. NOTE: Enter pixel number value only e.g. 32, px is added automatically.
  • Show Cookie Bar in Case Portal: Show a banner in the footer of the Case Portal indicating the use of cookies. If you are embedding the Case Portal into an iFrame, then you may wish to consider switching this functionality off as your company website will most likely already deal with cookie disclaimers outside of the iFrame.
  • Privacy Policy URL: On the login page, a notification will pop up informing users that “This Portal uses cookies to ensure you get the best possible experience when using this service. See our Privacy Policy”. Set this parameter to the URL where you company privacy policy is hosted, which is where the users will be redirected to if they click on ‘Privacy Policy’.
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