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Introduction to Cases

Cases can be used to track Support Queries, Complaints, or Projects

Workbooks enables you to create Cases for support tickets and projects. When logging a Case, you can prioritise by urgency and track progress. This will allow you to manage the support team’s time effectively and highlight any customer service or support issues. Cases generated by Email to CaseWeb2Case or the Case Portal will automatically appear in Workbooks.

In Cases, you can:

  • Assign to Queues.
  • Associate People Organisations and define their relationship with the Case.
  • Lookup customer Contracts to check eligibility for support.
  • Record Emails against a Case.
  • Use Email Templates to respond quickly to common questions and update customers about Case progress.
  • Store Notes and Activities.
  • View Case history in the Summary tab.
  • Link other Related Items such as Orders, Invoices or Opportunities.
  • Watch Cases that aren’t assigned to you, so you can view how a Case is progressing.
  • Classify the Case resolution type in the Resolution Information section. You can then run Reports by Resolution Status to build up your understanding of your customers’ problems.
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