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Common Email Errors

If you prefer to use an SMTP server to send emails from Workbooks, an email account has to be configured in Workbooks containing your SMTP server details, such as name and port. The Workbooks server connects to your SMTP server using the provided server name and port specified. If the SMTP server accepts the message from Workbooks, it will then send an email out.

If emails fail to send from Workbooks, there could be several possible causes:

  • Your SMTP server may not be configured to accept messages from Workbooks servers.
  • The authentication type used might not be recognized.
  • The Workbooks server may be unable to locate your SMTP server using the provided server name.
  • Email credentials within your Workbooks email account may be incorrect.

When the SMTP server rejects a message from Workbooks, it typically returns a specific SMTP error code, which can help identify the issue.

Unfortunately, different servers sometimes use these codes in a different way, making it difficult to identify the exact reason why emails are failing to send.

NOTE: After entering a password within the Authentication area of Email Accounts and clicking Save, the password will appear blank. Therefore, every time a change is made to these settings you will need to re-enter the password before saving the change, otherwise, the password field will be saved without any value.

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