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Contract Management

An overview of what Contracts are used for within Workbooks.

Customer Contracts are effectively another set of Transaction Documents within Workbooks, which help you manage the contractual obligations that exist between you and your Customers.

Contracts are available to users with the appropriate extension licence. For information on editions and extensions, please click here.

Contracts show the Start and End Date on screen, making it easy for Customer Support Analysts to see whether or not a customer has a current contract which entitles them to Support, as soon as they answer the phone.

You can manage your Contracts easily by altering the Contract Status. This can be either Draft, Active, Inactive, Suspended, or Closed.

Customer Location is also part of Customer Contracts, so you can manage the obligations you have to different branches of the same company.

As with all Transaction Documents, the Copy Document functionality within Contracts enables you to create other Transaction Documents quickly and easily.

Contracts are Importable, Exportable, and Reportable, to enable effective management.

You can see all Support Cases related to the Contract from within the Cases tab; and from the People tab, you can view the relationships that third-parties have with the contract.


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