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Domain Setup

Last updated : 04/05/2018

When working with GatorMail you should use a domain which reflects your brand and is dedicated to your email marketing. We strongly advise against using your usual business domain in case your email marketing activity is marked as spam, leading to the blacklisting of your main sending domain.

You will need to setup/purchase a new domain which will be dedicated to your email marketing. This can either be a completely new domain or a subdomain from a domain that you already own. For example, a new domain would be something like: ‘’ whereas a subdomain would be like this: ‘’. 

Setting up your own custom sending domain may require some configuration from your IT Department or website provider.

You can find more information on what the best practice is regarding sending domains here.

NOTE: If you are working with our Professional Services team, we recommend configuring your sending domain and passing this on to your Workbooks Consultant as soon as possible.