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February 2018 Release

Release date: 10th February 2018

Modern UI on Phones

We’re making the Modern UI available on Phones as an open beta. This will mean that you can access an early release of it without having to sign up to participate. As always, we would love for you to take a look and we welcome any feedback you have. 

This new UI on Phones will provide you with a feature rich version of Workbooks, and includes all of commonly used Desktop UI functionality that would be useful to access on a mobile device. This UI is already available on Tablets, and will remain as beta for now.  

To access the new phone UI, you will simply need to visit or and it will detect whether you are using a phone or tablet automatically. You can still access the previous mobile version via the Workbooks App, by going to or using the link at the bottom of the login screen for the new UI.

You can find a list of supported devices in our Knowledge Base and further information about how the mobile and tablet versions differ from the desktop. 

Further UI Changes

Thank you for the feedback you have been providing around the new UI. We’ve been reviewing this and have made the following changes.

Modern and Classic Themes

  • The ‘Revert to ExtJS3’ button has been removed from the start menu. If you have been using this and we haven’t yet been in contact with you to discuss this then please let us know by emailing
  • We’ve removed the ExtJS6 label from the taskbar.
  • The ‘About’ dialog has been redesigned for all devices so that it will fit on a phone by including the information on tabs.

Modern Theme Only

  • You can now close individual windows from a collapsed window button by using the ‘x’ to the right of it. If only one window remains, you can access this menu by right clicking on the icon instead. 

Other Changes

  • Compliance record is now listed in the API reference – for Compliance beta customers only. If you are interested in joining the beta for this, then please email
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