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Transaction Documents Fields Help

What each of the fields are used for within Transaction Documents.


Double-check your Transaction Document is correct before clicking Save & Complete.

Accounting Period

(Applies to Invoices, Credit Notes and Contracts only.)

This is used to attribute the Transaction Document to a specific accounting period. The Accounting Period will be defaulted based on the document date but can be overwritten if required. If you use reports based on specific Accounting Periods, such as ‘this quarter’, ‘next fiscal year’ and so on, this is the field that defines the period on the report.

Analysis Reveal

Once you’ve added at least one Line Item, you can open the Analysis Reveal to see details on the sales and cost values, along with the gross margin. Each time the DRAFT document is saved and there has been a change that could affect the total figures these will be recalculated. If the document has been created in a foreign (ie, non-home) currency, the reveal will show that currency as well as the Home Currency equivalent.

Assigned to

Can only be populated with the name of a Workbooks user.


If the transaction can be attributed to a specific Campaign, select it here. This links the Transaction Document with the relevant Campaign and thus allows you to track the success of your marketing initiatives.


A free-type field, the content of which can appear on an output PDF document, if required.

Contract Duration

(Applies to Contracts only.)

A read only field displaying the total duration (in days) of the Contract based on the Start and End Dates.

Contract Start and End Dates

(Applies to Contracts only.)

The dates within which the Contract is valid. These dates are linked to the Start and End Dates on Line Items and will automatically update to match the earliest Line Item Start Date and latest Line Item End Date.

Contract Type

(Applies to Contracts only.)

Pick from the options provided (which can be configured by your System Administrator, if required.).

Customer & Address

(Not applicable to Supplier Orders.)

Depending on your ‘Customer Transaction Type’ setting in Configuration > Database > Database Settings, which specifies if you are B2B or B2C, the Customer field will let you select a Person or Organisation from your database. The Search button at the end of the field will allow for a more detailed search, or allow you to create a new record if not found. The Customer field will be populated automatically if creating a new Transaction Document from the Transaction Documents tab of a Person or Organisation.

When a Customer has been entered on the Transaction Document, the Main Organisation/Person address should appear on the Transaction Document automatically. Alternative addresses (an Invoice address, for example), can be set up (in the Contact Details tab of the Person/Organisation) and applied to Transaction Documents using the ‘Billing Address’ dropdown.

If a Customer has a default Billing Address that is different to the Main Address, you can set this address to be the one that automatically pulls through onto Transaction Documents using the ‘Preferred billing location’ checkbox on the corresponding Contact Detail record.

If you’ve got the Delivery Details fields exposed, you can tick ‘Set Delivery Address same as invoice’, or pick which delivery address to use in the ‘Delivery Address’ picker. If a Customer has a default Delivery Address, you can set this address to be the one that automatically pulls through onto Transaction Documents using the ‘Preferred delivery location’ checkbox on the corresponding Contact Detail record. Picking a Customer will not populate the Delivery details by default unless you have enabled a Database Setting, under Configuration > Database > Database Settings Populate Delivery Address.

You can open the customer record using the icon next to the Customer name field. You can also link to it within the People or Organisations tab, depending whether the customer is an individual or a company.

Customer Reference

(Not applicable to Supplier Orders.)

A Customer Reference can be entered which, if required, can appear on the printed PDF document.

Document Currency

The document currency is the currency upon which all subsequent monetary values will be based. The available list of currencies will be restricted to the allowed foreign currencies set up for your Own Organisation. If you create a new Transaction Document using the Copy Document functionality, the new document will inherit the currency from the originating one and this cannot be changed.

Click here for more information on Managing Document Currencies.

Document Date

A compulsory field that can be entered by the User. The Document date has several functions. It:

  • Provides a date for the document (which, for an Invoice, can be used to calculate and apply a payment period and for a Customer Order/Quotation/Supplier Order can be used to calculate a specified period of validity).
  • Is used to identify the exchange rate period that applies to the document if the document is in a non-home currency.
  • Acts as the default ‘tax point’ upon which any sales tax rates are based.
  • Places the document in a default Accounting Period.
  • Is used to warn if the Line Items fall outside of any Pricing Scheme or Supply Scheme selected.

Document Name

A compulsory field that can be entered by the User. The name is used in views and reports. You might want to define and implement a standard naming protocol across your organisation although this is not compulsory.

Document Type

Read-only field showing the type of Transaction Document you’re looking at.


A free-type field where you can record the name of a person, department, etc, to whom the document should be sent. This is flat text and does not link to any other records on your database.

Notes & Activities

Transaction Documents can be associated with Notes and Activities in the normal way, which could be very useful for storing additional document information or scheduling follow-up actions such as a renewal.


You can relate a Transaction Document directly to an Opportunity; this will be prefilled if the document was created from within an Opportunity record. This enables you to track and report on Opportunities at various stages in the sales order processing cycle. If you want to open the Opportunity record you can do so by clicking on the Opportunity icon    next to the Opportunity name field.

Own Organisation

If you are linked to more than one Own Organisation, select the appropriate Own Organisation to which this Transaction Document relates from the dropdown picklist. If you create a new Transaction Document using the Copy Document functionality, the new document will inherit the Own Organisation from the originating one and this cannot be changed.

Payment Due Date

(Applies to Invoices only.)

This date is defaulted using a combination of the invoice date and the credit terms set up in the Customer Agreement. This can be overwritten if required.

Payment Status Reveal

(Applies to Invoices and Credit Notes only.)

Behind the Payment Status Reveal are three fields which are used if synchronising Workbooks with Sage:

  • Synchronised – a checkbox to indicate whether or not the Invoice/Credit Note has been synchronised with Sage.
  • Amount Paid – a currency field where any monies paid against this invoice can be recorded.
  • Amount Outstanding – a read-only field that automatically calculates the the amount outstanding by deducting the Amount Paid from the total Invoice value.

These fields can only be modified by users who have the ‘Modify Payment Status Fields’ capability.

Primary Contact & Finance Contact

There are built-in fields for Primary Contact and Finance Contact. These fields will be hidden from Form Layouts on any Databases created before July 2022. If you’d like to replace any existing custom Primary or Finance Contact fields with these standard fields, please contact our Support Team.

Contacts related to Transaction Documents can either be amended through the People or Overview tab, or can be amended on the Main tab through these fields. To be able to edit the fields on the Main tab, you must enable a Database Setting, through Configuration Database Setting Primary Contact Settings > Enable Primary Contact Field.

Related Items

Related Items can be linked to Transaction Documents in the normal way. If the document was created by copying an existing Transaction Document, the previous document will be related to the new one automatically.


A unique Reference number (also known as an Object Reference) for Transaction Documents is automatically generated by Workbooks; Credit Notes start with DCRN; Invoices with DINV; Customer Orders with DORD; Quotations with DQTE, Contracts with DCON and Supplier Orders with DSOR. In each case this will be followed by a sequential number. A System Administrator can control what prefix is used and the starting number to be used. Click here for information on how to change these.

NOTE:  The number suffix will change when a document is moved from DRAFT to POSTED status.


(For non-Contract documents only.)

Transaction Documents are initially saved with a status of DRAFT. Whilst in a DRAFT state the document can be modified and/or deleted.When the document is complete, click Save & Complete.  For all Transaction Documents except Contracts, this will change the document Status to POSTED.  Most fields in a POSTED document are non-editable.

Custom fields, however, will still be amendable as long as the user has been given the specific Capability to edit custom fields on that type of Transaction Document. Additionally, standard fields on POSTED Quotations and POSTED Customer Orders can be amended by users who have been given the specific Capability to edit the relevant POSTED document.

NOTE: There are separate Capabilities to control editing custom fields and standard fields.


(For Contract documents only.)

Contracts are initially saved with a status of DRAFT. Whilst in a DRAFT state the document can be edited (but cannot be integrated with a Case record).

When Save & Complete is clicked on a Contract the status will change from DRAFT to either ACTIVE or INACTIVE. An ACTIVE status will be applied when any Line Item is active (ie, the current date falls within the Start and End dates). Conversely, the contract will given an INACTIVE status if all Line Items have expired or have not yet become active.

In addition, using the Actions button a Contract may be SUSPENDED or  CLOSED by a user. SUSPENDED contracts may be reactivated but CLOSED Contracts cannot be re-opened.

Supplier & Address

(Only applicable to Supplier Orders.)

The picklist of possible Suppliers will be restricted to Organisations or People with whom the Own Organisation has a supplier agreement. The address will automatically default from the supplier’s record.

NOTE: Supplier Orders cannot be given a status of POSTED unless there is a supplier relationship between the Own Organisation and the supplier specified in the Transaction Document and the supplier agreement has a status of Open.

Supplier Reference

(Only applicable to Supplier Orders.)

A Supplier Reference can be entered which, if required, can appear on the printed PDF document.

Tax Point Date

(Applies to Invoices and Credit Notes only.)

This is the date upon which any sales tax (VAT) will be based. This is defaulted from the document date but can be overwritten.  The tax point is the date which is used to calculate your (VAT) sales tax return.