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Introduction to Marketing

Marketing is an essential component of a successful sales process, and Workbooks provides you with comprehensive set of marketing tools to help segment customer data and feed only the best possible information through to your sales team for follow up, allowing them close more deals. This can all be done through Workbooks alone using the features we provide such as Marketing Campaigns, Mailshots, and Event Management – just to name a few.

Marketing Campaigns

The Marketing Campaign Record will likely be the cornerstone of all of your marketing activity when using Workbooks, from here you will be able to manage your campaigns from start to finish. This is generally used as the single point from which you will manage campaign results, prospects, mailshots, statistics etc.


Workbooks includes the functionality to set up Mailshots, which enable you to send personalised emails to a large number people at once. These can be set up in a variety of ways, from scheduled automated emailing to one time “Email Blasts”.

All emails sent this way will be linked to the Person and Sales Lead Records of those who have received them, as well as relating back to the Marketing Campaign that you have associated the Mailshot with so that you can view all of the information in one place.

Our easy to use Mailshot Wizard guides you through the process of setting up a Mailshot.

You can also send out Mailshots using Gatormail, a customer favourite email marketing tool made by our partners Spotler.

Mailing Lists

A Mailing List is a way to group a number of people who you may want to send a Mailshot to, which will most likely be based on a collation of data that the would-be recipients share in common e.g. they all live within 25 miles of your office

Many of our customers use Reporting to feed members into their Mailing Lists, as this is a great way to make them dynamic.

Website visitor tracking (Workbooks Web Insights)

With the use of the Web Insights module you will have the ability to track people or organisations that have been visiting your website. Not only can this tell you the numbers of people visiting each web page, it can also tell you who they are and create them as a Sales Leads in Workbooks – this is a great way to automatically accumulate useful data within Workbooks for your Marketing team to utilise.

Event Management

The Event Management Module offers a comprehensive end to end Event platform that allows you to manage all aspects of an Event from within Workbooks. This includes access to an Event Portal from where attendees will be able to register their interest and purchase tickets, this information is then all pushed back into Workbooks for you to keep track of.

With this Module you will gain access to a new Record Type named “Events”. From here your Marketing team will be able manage all aspects of the Event, such as the images, venue details, speaker details and everything that a customer will see when accessing your Event Portal – all of this is controlled from the Event Record itself.

Workbooks GatorMail integration

Workbooks combines CRM and email marketing in one solution. Part of the Workbooks suite, GatorMail is an advanced email marketing tool that is highly popular with our customers. Enabling them to easily and efficiently send targeted marketing via email to any Mailing List.

Workbooks Force24 integration

Force24 is a powerful marketing automation platform and it’s Integration with Workbooks allows you to login into Force24 directly from Workbooks via iFrame. Instead of creating a Campaign in Workbooks, you can directly create it in Force24 and this means you would segment the data in Force24 rather then in Workbooks as you would normally.

Other Marketing Integrations

You may already have an email marketing tool that you are familiar with that you find to be very effective. As such, Workbooks can integrate with popular online email marketing and survey tools such as:

You can find further information about each of these on our Integrations page.

Email Templates

If you are creating a Workbooks Mailshot that has similar content to a previous one, you may want work using email templates and amend them as required, rather than creating the content for each one from scratch. This enables you to send out emails with a consistent high quality output by reducing the chance for human error, as well as increasing efficiency.

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