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Landing Pages

Choosing an option from the Start menu takes you to the Landing Page for that particular record type. A Landing Page is the main page for a group of records of the same type. All Landing Pages share the same functionality and their layout can be customised to meet your requirements. Any changes you make are specific to your login and won’t affect other users.

Within a Landing Page you can:

  • Add new records of the same type (either individually or import them in bulk);
  • View your records based on specific criteria (for example, on the Organisations Landing Page you can see views of All Organisations or views limited to just Customers or Prospects or Suppliers, etc);
  • View records in a calendar format;
  • Carry out bulk actions (assign, delete, update);
  • Link to records. Clicking on some fields in the grid will take you directly to the relevant record, but some will give you a dropdown menu. For example, in the Organisation Landing Page, clicking on an Organisation’s telephone number will give you the option to go to the Organisation record, or to call the number;
  • See any Queues you’re subscribed to (and any records assigned to those Queues)

In addition, the right-hand side of a Landing Page is a grid made up of columns and rows, which you can modify to display only those columns and rows you want to see. To customise the grid you can:

  • Activate/de-activate columns;
  • Rearrange the order in which columns are displayed;
  • Sort columns in ascending/descending alphabetical/chronological order;
  • Group rows by common criteria;
  • View records in a calendar layout;
  • Apply filters to control which rows of data are displayed.

Having customised your view you can save the settings so the page looks the same each time you revisit it. You can nominate one view as your Default View which opens every time you open that Landing Page and in addition you can share a view you’ve created with other users.

NOTE: if you have a lot of records in your database (more than 100,000 per record type), we may have applied a setting to your account so that Workbooks does not take so long trying to load all of the records onto a Landing Page. It will instead restrict the results to the most recent, and you will see this message at the top of the page:


Once enough filters have been applied to narrow down the results, the restrictions will stop being applied.

If you do not see this on your own database but have more than 100,000 records for some record types, and you are interested in having the setting applied, please contact Workbooks Support.

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