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Managing Cases

Use Reports or Landing Pages to track your Cases and determine what should be worked on next

There are many ways to manage your Cases within Workbooks.  You can, for example, track how quickly Cases are being resolved, how many high priority Cases there are, and so on.

The best ways to monitor your Cases are either via Dashboards / Reports or by using the My Cases Landing Page.  You could, for example, create a report that details all the high priority cases that haven’t been updated in the last two days, and then put it into a Dashboard, so you can view it easily and in real-time. Alternatively, customise your My Cases Landing Page so that your most important cases are always to hand through the use of filters.

Your Customer Support team may find that the Overview tab is the easiest way for them to manage individual Cases, as this includes a high-level of detail about who is involve with the Case, what correspondence has taken place, and what their next steps are.

Case Relationships


Use Reports and Dashboards to help you monitor and manage your Cases.

You can record and monitor the relationship third-parties have to a Case, so you can clearly see who’s affected by the Case, and therefore share the relevant information with everyone who needs it.  You can add relationships from the People and Organisations tabs in a Case record by clicking Add Relationship and then searching for the required record and choosing the relationship from the picklist. You can also define the status of that Person / Organisation (i.e. whether they’re Satisfied / Unsatisfied, etc).

You can tailor the picklist values to your business needs to maximise the Cases functionality by clicking Start > Configuration > Customisation > Picklists.  The default relationships a Person can have to a Case are:

  • Primary contact
  • Secondary contact
  • Affected user
  • Business sponsor
  • Third party advisor

The relationships an Organisation can have to a Case are:

  • Supplier to
  • Customer of
  • Distributor for
  • Partner of
  • Subsidiary of
  • Parent of
  • Group Company of
  • Competitor of
  • Banker to
  • Advisor to
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