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October 2018 Release

Release date: 6th October 2018

Event Management

Our Event Management Module is now live and available to purchase for Customers with Business Pro Licences. Event Management is offered as part of a packaged solution which is implemented by a member of our Professional Services Team.

The Event Management Module includes access to new Record types required for the setup and configuration of a complete Event, as well as a new Portal area, where attendees can register and purchase Event Tickets.

Deleted Items

We have now made it possible to restore a deleted Record within Workbooks. Most Record Types that are deleted by a User can be now retrieved from the Deleted Items within 30 days. More information on how Deleted Items works can be found on the Knowledge Base.

Scheduled Bulk Actions

Bulk Actions can now be set to recur at regular intervals. They can be used to perform all of the same actions that are available from a Report or Landing Page.

An option is now available when running any bulk action to Run on a schedule, this can be used to reassign Records when they meet certain criteria on a daily basis, update fields with data based on other criteria within a Report or create Activities or Compliance Records for newly created Records. More information can be found on our Knowledge Base and we have created two worked through examples on our Support Forum.

Image and file fields

Image and File Field types are now available which allow you to attach files directly to a record. Image Fields will display the image and only allow .png, .gif and .jpg files but File Fields do not restrict the file type.

Separately, a hidden ‘Files’ tab has been added to most of the record types. Create or modify a form layout to reveal it if you would like to use it. 

Disable Forgotten Password

If an email account is compromised then delivering a forgotten password link is a way for someone to gain access to Workbooks. This can now be turned off to prevent access to a database in this manner. We recommend that you only do so after carefully considering how your users will regain access should they forget their password.

It can be configured at the account level for all of your users within Account Settings.

Alternatively, this can be managed on a user by user basis within the Password section of a User record.

Date Filters & Criteria

We have added new Report Criteria and Landing Zone Filters that can be applied to Date Fields. This allows you to look at Records where dates are in more specific time frames such as; “in the last 2 hours”, “in the last 3 months” and “in this and the last 6 months”.

Calculated Column Comments

It is now possible to add comments in the formula for a calculated column, allowing you to explain how it should work. Full information on this can be found on our Knowledge Base.

Current User Report Filters

There are two new Report criteria available on Text columns: ’is current user name’ and ‘is current user login name’. This makes Reports easier to design when only wanting to show Report results specific to the Person viewing the Report.

The current login name will use the User’s email address rather than name, which may be necessary where an Assigned to name may not be unique.

Grand total on achieved column

When displaying Targets on Summary Views the Total Achieved percentage is now available showing the overall Total Achieved against Total Target.

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