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Preparing Reports for Snapshot

Snapshots can be created on any Workbooks Report, provided that it can be successfully loaded and the user setting the snapshot up has access to it. You may wish to add a relevant name/category/description to your Report in order to identify it being used within a Snapshot. 

When setting up your Report, it is important to consider that a Snapshot record will be created for each row present at the time of run, with fields for the Report’s columns. As a result, you may want to think about the data present in the Report aswell as any groupings you may have. Below is an example of a very simple report showing the number of open Case records assigned to each member of a customer support team (left) and one of it’s seven resulting snapshot records (right). 


There are some limitations around the columns that can be used in your Report:


Include a record ID column to be able to open relevant records from the Snapshot!

  • Columns that have any type of targets associated will only display the ‘Actual’ value in your Snapshot record and not the ‘Target’ or ‘Achieved’ columns. If you require target calculations in your snapshot, it is required to calculate the achievement through a separate calculated column. Otherwise it is recommended that target analysis is undertaken in a subsequent report based on the resulting Snapshot data.
  • Split columns are not supported within the Snapshot engine. Similar to targets, if a split of data is required in your Snapshot data, it is possible to create this in the Report through a series of new, separate calculated columns. Otherwise it is recommended that splits are configured in a subsequent report based on your Snapshot data.