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Workbooks Script External Access

Last updated : 09/03/2012

How to enable External Access to your scripts, and what the Workbooks IP address ranges are.

Externally-Accessible Services


Do not tick the ‘Allow Extenal Access’ checkbox unless it is necessary for the Script.

The set of services permitted using ‘External Access’ are:

  • Web services: HTTP (tcp port 80) and HTTPS (tcp port 443).
  • Email: POP3 (tcp port 110) and POP3S (tcp port 995); IMAP (tcp ports 143, 220) and IMAPS (tcp port 993).
  • Database services: MYSQL (tcp port 3306) and MSSQL (tcp port 1433).
  • File transfer services: FTP (active and passive: tcp ports 20, 21), FTPS (FTP over SSL: tcp port 990) and SSH file transfer protocol (tcp port 22).
  • Network services: DNS (tcp/udp port 53) and ICMP ping (echo-request).

Regardless of the ‘External Access’ setting scripts can send email via the Workbooks API; emails are sent using the user’s Workbooks Email Configuration.

Configure any firewalls protecting these services to accept connections from the Workbooks Service’s IP address ranges:

  • Range One: (i.e. the addresses through
  • Range Two: (i.e. the addresses through
  • Range Three: (i.e. the addresses through

In addition (but not required), the Workbooks service delivery team use separate infrastructure and occasionally access from their IP addresses may be useful. These are and

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