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Setting up your Own Organisation

Last updated : 03/12/2010

Which fields are particularly important when completing the details for your Own Organisation.

When your account is first created, it will be created with one Own Organisation, containing basic information. You should open the record and complete the information.  To do this click Start > Configuration > Accounting > Own Organisations and open the Own Organisation record you see there.

NOTE: If you create a new Own Organisation, only the Main tab will be visible until you click Save.

With the Own Organisation record open, check all the details are correct and pay particular attention to the following:

Name – ensure that the Organisation name is correct. Typically this is the trading name of your Organisation. This will appear on any Transaction Documents generated.


Make sure your Own Organisation record is set up correctly before starting to use Workbooks.

Address – again, check that this is entered correctly as it will appear on any Transaction Documents generated. In addition, the country that you enter here will be used as the default country for all new People and Organisation records.

Home Currency – use the dropdown picklist to select the Home (base) Currency for this Own Organisation. If you have more than one Own Organisation, each one can have different Home Currencies.

Tax Regime – use the dropdown picklist to select the tax regime under which this Own Organisation operates.  (Make sure you check that the details for the Tax Regime are correct by clicking StartConfigurationAccounting > Sales Tax Regimes and choosing the appropriate regime from the grid on the right.)

Sales Tax Registration Number – if this Own Organisation is registered to pay sales tax (known as VAT in the UK), enter the Registration Number here.

NOTE:  If this field isn’t completed, you will not be able to activate sales tax fields within Line Item grids in Transaction Documents.

Currencies – use this tab to add any currencies that this Own Organisation trades in (in addition to its Home Currency). Click Add Currencies and check the boxes next to those currencies you want this Own Organisation to be able to trade in. These can also be viewed later by going to StartConfiguration > Accounting > Exchange Rates.

People – use this tab if you want to create People records for employees of this Own Organisation or to record relationships that your Own Organisation has with other People on your database. 

NOTE: A User Record in Workbooks is not the same thing as an employee record. Users should be set up within Configuration > Users & Security.

When you’ve completed the Own Organisation record click Save & Close.

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