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Sync Outreach Tasks/Calls/Meetings to Workbooks

Last updated : 17/12/2020

Synchronise Outreach Tasks/Calls/Meetings to Workbooks Activities

NOTE: This integration is currently in BETA only and not available on the Script Library at this time. The functionality on these pages may change without warning. Please contact us if you would like to be involved in testing this integration.

In Outreach, a user can create Tasks, Meetings and Phone Calls. These records can be related to a Prospect or Opportunity in the system. When Tasks/Calls are created, these records sync to Workbooks automatically. Both record types are synced to Workbooks Activities.

Meeting records are not synced via the Integration as they are created directly on your Calendar via Outreach’s Exchange integration. If you would like to synchronise Meetings to Workbooks, then you can use our WESS, see our Knowledge Base page here for more information.

The integration sets the following fields on the Task:

Outreach Field Workbooks Field Workbooks Value
N/A Subject This is set to Outreach Task or Outreach Call depending on the type of record created in Outreach
Username Assigned To If the Outreach User exists as a Workbooks user, then the Task is assigned to them automatically. Otherwise, it is assigned to “Automation”
Type* Activity Type The value from Outreach
Priority* Activity Priority The value from Outreach
Due at Due Date The date set in Outreach. NOTE: Time is not recorded in Workbooks Activities
Note Description The exact value from Outreach
Status Activity Status This is set to New, or if marked as completed in Outreach, then “Complete” is used in Workbooks
Completed At Completed Date If the Task is marked as completed, or it is a Phone Call in Outreach then the Completed Date is set
Prospect Id Primary Contact Set to the related Prospect from Outreach if found in Workbooks. If created from an Opportunity, the Primary Contact will always be blank
Id Created Through Reference The value from Outreach. used to find and either update or delete the record in Workbooks as changes occur in Outreach

NOTE: Outreach Task Types, Priorities and User List are created automatically via the Scheduled Process called Outreach Maintain Mapping Data. This process is scheduled for once per day by default. If changes are made to your Outreach configuration, you may wish to click “Run Now” to update the Activity Type/Priority picklists in Workbooks ahead of this to prevent synchronisation issues.

If a Task is updated at any point in Outreach, the update is synchronised to Workbooks automatically. Similarly, if the Task is deleted from Outreach, it is also deleted from Workbooks.