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Introduction to Transaction Documents

An overview of what the different Transaction Documents are and what you can do within them, such as managing pricing schemes, process orders in different currencies etc.

Workbooks includes a number of object record types relating to financial transactions, which can be printed to PDF so that they can be sent to Prospects, Customers and Suppliers. These records are commonly referred to as Transaction Documents. Transaction documents include:


NOTE: Transaction Documents are generated with a state of DRAFT and can be modified and deleted. Once a Transaction Document is set to a POSTED they can only be modified if a User has the correct Capabilities and cannot be deleted by any User.

You can generate new Transaction Documents easily by using the Copy Document functionality. In addition, you can see at a glance the gross margin amount and percentage for the transaction by using the Analysis Reveal. If the Transaction Document has been raised in a foreign currency you’ll see these figures in both your home and the foreign currency. (This makes it possible to report across all your transactions in one common, home currency.)

Custom fields can be created to appear on Line Items. These are particularly useful for recording information such as the serial number of a piece of equipment, who is to deliver a particular service and so on. If the custom field has been made ‘searchable’ it makes finding a particular piece of kit very easy.

Sales tax will be added to Transaction Documents based on the Tax Codes identified for the Tax Regime under which your Own Organisation operates. These can be managed by your System Administrator.

NOTE: A VAT number must have been entered on your Own Organisation record in order for you to activate Line Item columns for sales tax.

Workbooks is pre-configured with default templates for each document type. You can tailor these documents by changing the colour of the font, uploading your company logo and controlling which fields from the document record are displayed on the PDF. Click here for more information on customising document templates.


Remember that you can control which columns are visible in the Line Items grid (and can add custom fields to the grid to record specifics such as the serial number of equipment, the location of a piece of kit, the consultant involved in delivering a service, and so on).

Using Transaction Documents you can:

  • Track cost prices, sales prices and gross margins.
  • Manage special pricing using Pricing Schemes and Supply Schemes.
  • Process orders in different currencies.
  • Track your order approval and fulfilment processes.


In addition, if you have a SageLink licence you can synchronise Orders, Credit Notes, Invoice and account information from Workbooks directly with Sage Line 50 or Sage Line 200.

You can control whether Transaction Documents display People, Organisations or both using the Customer Transaction Type Setting here.