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Tracking Code

By default, the tracking code you add will only track Organisations who visit your website. However, you are also able to identify individual people on your website through the use of our People Tracking Code through web form submissions on your website, which can be found below.

Tracking Organisations

Please see the Adding a Tracking Code page in the Spotler Resource Centre that explains how to place the tracking code on your website. You will be sent the Tracking Code specific for your website by the Workbooks Support Team after you have registered your interest with us.

To add this code, you will need to pass the code to your web developer and they will need to put this on all pages that you want to be tracked. An example of the format of the tracking code is also below (replace xxx with your Client ID).

<script data-cfasync='false' type='text/javascript' defer='' async=''

However, if your website is under a secure SSL certificate ( then you will need to add this alternative secure tracking script to your website (replace xxx with your Client ID).

<script data-cfasync='false' type='text/javascript' defer='' async=''


Tracking People

Tracking People on your website allows you to know who was visiting what pages, and their email address. This information is then brought into Workbooks in a similar way to Organisations viewing your website but is matched based on an email address instead. You can do this in various ways, such as adding a cookie to their browser when they:

  • Submit a webform on your website.
  • Click on a link in an email.

Via a webform

To enable Web Insights to track a form submitted with an email address you need to add the following javascript to your website globally in addition to the code added for tracking Organisations. You should amend the CSS Classes and id’s (highlighted below) to match the forms on your website, this means that you will need to ensure that all webforms are consistently set up so that only the form id differs. 

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// gatorLeads.js
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
var _wow = _wow || [];
(function($) {
    //find all forms on the page with certain class
    var forms = $('.
', 'body');
    //if forms found
    if (forms.length){
        //for each form add an onclick listener to the submit button
        forms.each(function() {
            var _form = $(this);
            //find the submit button
            var form_id = _form.attr('id') || '';
                //find email field by its id (starts with 'email')
                var email = _form.find("[id^=
]").attr('name') || null;
                //find first name field by its id (starts with 'first-name')
                var first_name = _form.find("[id^=
]").attr('name') || null;
                //find last name field by its id (starts with 'last-name')
                var last_name = _form.find("[id^=
]").attr('name') || null;
                //if form_id is not empty, push data to GatorLeads)
                if (form_id !== '') {
                    _wow.push(['formSubmit', form_id, email, first_name, last_name]);

Tracking via an email link (Web Insights/Gatorleads/MailChimp/DotMailer)

It is possible to add tracking code to pretty much any email marketing platform which will identify People clicking through to the website and being picked-up by Web Insights.

Web Insights/Gatorleads will understand the following URL parameter as the person’s email address:

So the URL parameter needs to be added onto the end of the URLs in the email marketing tool. For example, to track our pricing page, the URL would be:

Nearly all email marketing technology allows you to ‘merge’ in values into the URL and we know that both MailChimp and DotMailer support this functionality.  It does mean that users must specifically add this to their Call to Action URLs. For example,

MailChimp uses the format:*|EMAIL|*

DotMailer uses the format:

By passing the email address into the URL parameter, this causes insights to drop a cookie on the users’ browser, which will then associate them with that email address. In turn, this will get connected to the relevant Person or Lead record in Workbooks.