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Get a quick quote with our pricing calculator
Unlike our competitors, who hide their true value behind lengthy sign-up processes and personal information requests, we’re so confident in our CRM’s capabilities that we’re offering you an opportunity to experience it firsthand, completely free of charge.
Try our interactive demo to see how Workbooks can provide you with a centralized hub for managing customer relationships, streamlining sales processes, and gaining actionable insights.
We're also proud to have been recognized by G2 as a High Performer in the UK and the US.
For sales teams aiming to better identify opportunities, increase deal closures, and boost revenue growth.
Workbooks provides sales pipeline management software to optimize business sales processes. Learn more about the benefits of CRM for sales here.
For marketers aiming to execute campaigns, generate higher-quality leads, and monitor return on investment.
Workbooks gives you an automated marketing CRM that supports businesses to execute campaigns, measure ROI and strategize effectively.
For finance and sales teams aiming to drive more efficiency and collect cash faster.
Workbooks is a CRM platform specializing in order, contract and supplier management. Learn how to streamline commercial operations with CRM here.
For teams striving to enhance customer value and boost overall satisfaction.
Turn customer service into a competitive advantage with the Workbooks customer service CRM. Learn more about CRM tools for customer service here.