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Watch out, there’s bullsh*t about: 5 warning signs of a bad CRM provider

You might not know it, but you could be dealing with a bullsh*t CRM provider. Whether you’re looking for a new one or already working with one, there’s a bunch of red flags to look out for.

If your CRM software isn’t giving you what you need, you’re spending too much, or your user adoption is low, your CRM provider isn’t doing enough to help.

Check out our list of 5 warning signs of a bad CRM provider to learn how to spot those red flags.

  1. You overspent on your CRM

The bullsh*t: If you found yourself spending more money than expected on integrations, extra functionality or your implementation, it’s probably down to your CRM provider’s lack of transparency.

Some CRM software requires lots of additional apps to get the functionality you need – each having their own cost.

If you overspent on your implementation, it’s likely that the work wasn’t scoped out and priced correctly in the first place.

The solution: Workbooks has clear, up-front pricing and comes with a lot more core functionality than some other providers, which reduces the need for lots of add-ons.

Find out how much CRM should cost

2. The functionality isn’t living up to expectations

The bullsh*t: Usually this happens because your CRM software hasn’t been implemented well. Your CRM provider probably hasn’t taken the time to understand your business and your needs, so your CRM doesn’t have the functionality you require.

If you’re contacting your account manager or support and they’re telling you to pay more to get the features you need, you need to question why they didn’t get your package right the first time.

The solution: Shared Success is Workbooks’ way of making sure your implementation gives you the functionality you need. You’ll join a workshop with our consultants where you’ll work together to map out your challenges. We take the time to understand your business and in turn, we’ll give you what you need straight away.

Check out Shared Success

3. Requiring all users to be on the same edition

The bullsh*t: A surprising number of CRM providers force you to buy the same edition for every user.

If you’ve got a lot of users that need a basic edition and a few that need a more extensive one – you have to pay for everyone to be on the most expensive version. The reason for this? Purely to get you to pay more money.

The solution: With Workbooks, you can mix and match licenses to give every user the edition they need without spending any additional money.

Check out our pricing guide here

4. Slow response times from support

The bullsh*t: Waiting forever to get a response? Poor help desk support? Speaking via chat bots or email? All of these are common with certain CRM providers. Bad support is one of the biggest reasons people switch CRM software.

The solution: Workbooks has account management teams based in the US and the UK, service desk support that’s available over the phone or via email, and a Knowledge Base for online support. Customers stay with us for over 10 years on average because of our great support.

5. Capped functionality

The bullsh*t: Lots of CRM providers cap functionality so you have to pay more for the features you thought came with your CRM. These often go up in increments. As an example, you may have a capped number of reports that you can create, each time you need them – the costs quickly add up. With Workbooks there are no report limits and no extra costs.

The solution:

With Workbooks there aren’t field limits for audits – you can keep costs down with no limits.

Want to know your CRM provider’s bullsh*t score? Take our quiz and find out how many red flags you’re getting.

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