learninggg_0.jpgWould your finance team like a more complete view of customer information?

We’re pretty sure they would.

Keeping them informed throughout the entire sales process means finances are simpler to manage and cash flows are easier to control.

  • With the right CRM the finance team are kept in the loop.
  • They know what marketing is doing to generate and nurture leads.
  • They can see exactly who’s dealing with what, when the pipeline is due to convert and are automatically informed when sales close.
  • Customer service issues are accessible, so invoices don’t get chased up in the middle of a complaint.

With the right CRM processes everything is more efficient

icon-3.pngIntegration with accounts systems means invoices are issued and logged just once.

Orders, credit notes, new accounts and invoice information can all be synchronised and distributed at the click of a button.

Everyone can see who’s paid and up-to-date, and who’s not, so all conversations are better informed.


85% of businesses that invest in a CRM get the wrong one

  • The right one brings finance into the process where it belongs.
  • Full lead to cash visibility means it’s easier to establish the true cost of a sale.
  • There’ll be no more manual invoicing and data gathering from different teams and systems.

icon-2_0.pngWith all departments working as one big team sharing all information in an online CRM system results can improve dramatically:

  • Sales and marketing costs can be cut by 23%.
  • The length of the sales cycle can shrink up to 24%.
  • Each sales person’s revenue can grow by 24% or more.
  • Customer retention can be improved by 27%.

With figures like that your finance team can easily prove the ROI of the CRM investment.