Managing your Marketing AgencyA best practice guide on how to utilise a web-based CRM system to connect leads generated to sales 

In our conversations with customers and prospects, a key question that we’re often asked is: “How can I make sure that I am getting the most out of my investment with my marketing agency?” This is a tricky one, but through our own relationships with third party marketing agencies we’ve come to believe that it’s all about measurement – in particular, the number of leads the agency is bringing you.

The beauty of digital marketing is that it offers the compelling promise of accurate measurement and rapid time to market. But while increasing web site visits fourfold or delivering 100% more leads looks fantastic, the devil is in the detail. Businesses need to know how many of these leads are actually driving sales. 

So we’ve created an eBook that includes some helpful tips and advice on how you can measure the quality of leads at every stage of the sales process

As you’d expect, we believe that your CRM system is the best place to measure lead quality – but this isn’t just a sales plug! Marketers need to use their web-based CRM system to scrutinise in detail the ‘leads generated’ and determine whether the leads are within the company’s key target markets and geographies; whether they convert into the expected sales pipeline at the ratio expected; and ultimately into closed deals. 

Don’t miss a trick

asset-41.pngLet’s go back to basics. The objective of marketing activity is to generate sales; it is to provide the sales team with excellent, qualified leads that support an effective and productive sales process. But without clear, accurate feedback on the value of the leads being generated, the marketing agency can only continue with its, albeit sophisticated, scattergun approach.

Armed with this reliable stats and measurements, a company can hold its marketing agency – or agencies – far more accountable.