Second eBook in Evolution series provides best practice advice on integrating sales and online CRM

In today’s web enabled business environment customers are better informed than ever when entering the sales process – meaning that your organisation now needs to be far more sophisticated in order to close a deal.

The sales process remains 80% science, 20% craft and the old fashioned disciplines of sales still apply. But there are still real opportunities to embrace new technologies and sophisticated sales methods to harness valuable data, greatly improve the end to end sales process and enable sales reps to become far more effective.

The second eBook of our Evolution series provides a best practice guide to integrating your sales and online CRM. Providing practical tips and advice, the eBook looks at ways to move from a primitive use of CRM to a highly sophisticated approach that embeds online CRM within the corporate growth model.

Key steps covered in the eBook include:

1.     Improving Lead Management

2.    Effective Pipeline Management

3.    Accurate Sales Forecasting

4.    Reviewing the Sales Process

5.    Improving Lost and Qualified Out Analysis

However good the leads or effective the sales model, closing the deal will still depend on the skills of each rep. It is therefore important to use the CRM to track the performance of each individual in the sales team. The objective is not simply to assess performance and identify the top performing reps, but also to understand how each is performing at every stage of the process. Online CRM provides the data to improve the execution of the sales team.