By now, you all know that content is king and context is God. Obviously, without content, it’s impossible to reach users and give them a taste of your brand. But even with content, marketers fail to reach users as the online world is brimming with loads of content. Only a few are successful in catching users’ attention and boosting their presence online.
93% of B2B marketers use content marketing as their key strategy.
In such competitive times, only CRM can help you maximize benefit from marketing campaigns.
How to use CRM for better Marketing AutomationÂ
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software helps you manage the company’s interaction with existing and potential customers. CRM focuses on data analytics, consumers’ history, and consumers’ behaviour to improve customer relationship, customer retention and overall sales of the company.
With data collection at its core, CRM helps brands to analyse relationships with actual and potential customers. It tracks customers’ every interaction with the company, coming from all corners of the web world. Knowing users’ behaviour through CRM helps organizations to be prepared for the users’ current mindset and increase the odds of conversion. For that, you should know how to put CRM’s data to the right use.
Below, I will share 4 ways to use CRM Software to help you outshine in the marketing world.
CRM studies your current customers – how they get in touch with your brand, what they saw, what they purchased, and how their last interaction was. CRM keeps well-managed records of customers past patterns which help you create a composite profile of an ideal customer. Brands use such information to deliver responses based on customers’ choices. For example, which kind of content will click in their mind. It eliminates the need to fit every customer into a one-size-shoe. Instead, you become aware of each customer’s needs which can make your marketing campaigns even more effective.
Let’s say you know a customer is interested in your product, as per the behaviour pattern revealed by CRM, but something is stopping him to go ahead. You can take the necessary steps to push him forward. Lack of data leads to less-accurate decisions and wasted time. CRM data puts the whole picture of the customer in front with its current buying stage to give your marketing the right direction.
The next steps in assessing potential customers are prediction and segmentation. CRM’s data helps you predict the likelihood of visitors turning into customers. Some may like your product to the extent that it will take less effort to convince them while some might not be interested at all. Either way, they are all your potential customers and you have to put effort into them at different levels.
Segmentation is to divide visitors or potential customers or customers into different categories. Not only based on their purchasing potential but also company size and targeted vertical. As you already know, one size doesn’t fit all, you have to categorise customers so that you can design an similar yet tailored marketing campaign for each group.
Basically, personalised marketing is delivering individualised content to the recipient with the help of data, analysis, and predictions – everything offered by CRM.
Segmentation helped you know which customer wants what. Now all you have to do is send customised content resonating with the interest of customers. For example, those who want to purchase the product or services just need a little push like offering discounts or complimentary services will do the trick. On the other side, those who are not at all interested in your product maybe don’t even know about who you are and what your brand offers. So first you have to educate them on why they need the product, what problems will be solved, and what benefits they will receive at the end. Once they are fully educated on what your product is all about, then comes the perfect time to buzz the sales button.
All in all, design content on the basis of visitors’ interest level towards your product or services. That’s called personalised marketing inspired by CRM’s data.Â
Everyone knows that marketing is a cycle of trials & errors and successes & failures. On one side, you have to recognise what works and what doesn’t, on another side, you have to keep trying new tactics if you want to keep up with the latest marketing trends.
CRM helps you analyse what work wonders and what disappeared in the mist. Analyse and eliminate the strategies with zero results. Focus only on those with the highest results. Repeat the cycle again and again to increase your odds of playing in the success zone. Regarding trying out new strategies for the sake of trends, keep analysing updated CRM’s data. Every once in a while, give a try to a new strategy to observe the results and collect successful strategies in the bucket list. At the same time, move outdated strategies out of the cycle so that you are left with the few most effective ones. Repeat the whole cycle, again and again, to ensure your success is growing at a steady speed.
In SummaryÂ
CRM is an approach towards adopting the right strategies, practices, and technologies with the help of data, analysis, and predictions. When you combine CRM’s data with marketing strategies, your chances of success increase to a great extent. All that guesswork or opinions go out of the window, leaving you with the result-oriented tasks only. I am not saying that you won’t fail, but CRM decreases the number of failures with the perfect logic at the perfect time.
Author Bio:- Maulik Patel is Founder & Director of Click Matix. His passion for helping people in all aspects of online marketing flows through in the expert industry coverage he provides. He is an expert in web marketing, search engine optimization, social media, affiliate marketing, B2B marketing, online advertisement of Google, Yahoo and MSN.